bee's epic first blog post (some introductory stuff)
hello!!! i realise that past the little information i have on my main page not many people actually know who i am, so i guess i'll use this time to introduce myself a bit! i'm beatrix, bee for short, i've never really done any blogs before so this is probably going to be more akin to rambly diary entries rather than anything meaningful, but it's just a bit of fun for me and i want to get my thoughts out there sometimes!!
anyway, i'm bee! i like rhythm games (osu!mania profile), programming, glass beach (i run a twitter bot that posts lyrics from their songs ! feel free to check it out!!), and celeste (the video game). i hope to share some of my video game achievements here as i think it would be fun to write about alongside more personal diary-esque posts :3
on the topic of video game achievements, why not start off with my greatest one !! this is MOCE // CPVL, the current 17th hardest celeste map, being 12th(?) hardest at the time of my clear. the map is 10 rooms long, (more if you count some pretty free rooms at the beggining and an intermission before the ending), with room 10 // PERFECTION // being the hardest room of the map.
// PERFECTION // alone took me 30 hours to complete, which is longer than my time on the rest of the rooms combined. it was an incredibly painful (but fun) journey and while during it i probably hated everything, looking back on it i'm glad i pushed through with it. i also earnt myself a spot on the celeste hardest maps clear list under my username frizzbees !!
one final thing, soon i will update this blog, maybe change the look of it, add some tags and stuff, who knows. feel free to leave any suggestions in the case someone actually reads this (they probably wont). but yeah, updates soon :D
anyway, ramble over, hopefully this blog post was semi coherent its almost midnight right now. have a great rest of your day internet strangers and i hope you're all doing well <3