blog posts :3

25/08/2024 // hello again!

bee makes another post after almost three months

02/06/2024 // hello again ! and happy pride month!

bee rambles some more !! i really don't know how to subtitle these

07/05/2024 // some rambles for the new month

bee talks about some stuff, again

28/04/2024 // a website i used to love

bee talks about some sites she saw once, and why you should archive everything you love online

20/04/2024 // the new site is here!!!

bee's new site is here :3

12/04/2024 // even more new site updates!

bee shares some screenshots from the new site

08/04/2024 // 2am beatrix rambles

bee talks about her new site some more, celeste, and her personal life

05/04/2024 // some rambles

bee talks about her new website plans and how her linux journey has been going

04/04/2024 // the future of this site !

bee talks about her plans for the future of this site

03/04/2024 // bee experiences linux (again)

bee installs linux again and decides hyprland and nvidia are a great combo

02/04/2024 // bee's epic first blog post (some introductory stuff)

girl finally gets her blog up and running! it took her long enough...